Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Lights

Tonight we were able to visit CreitzPark in Cambridge City to view the annual Celebration of Lights in the park. For $5 per car load you can view the light displays throughout both sides of the park as well as visit a newer feature: The Western Wayne Railroaders hobby train display. Some members of the Richmond Area Railroad Society who happen to live in the Western Wayne County area agreed to participate in the Creitz Park festivities this year as an added attraction. Please come to Cambridge City and check out the displays at the park and visit the folks at the Western Wayne Railroaders temporary site in the park. So many volunteers put their time an heart into making our areas better all year long - why not show them our support and visit the events they provide for us for little or no money? Each year we support efforts in our communities the better they become the following years.

Here are some scenes from our visit:

Western Wayne Railroaders

Some residents near the park getting in the spirit

A few of the many displays at the park

One of the things I will attempt to do this Christmas season is to snap some pictures of the displays we see when we are out and about. If you know of some fun displays that need to be seen please comment here, or email me at: I will try my best to post them on here. 

- Suzanna

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