Tuesday, February 18, 2014

So - A Needle Pulling Thread!

So many times I write about things that have connections for me.

What better symbolism than the above photo?

A needle pulling thread through a quilt.

A needle pulling and connecting seemingly unrelated scraps from everyday life to create a more than functional - dare I say ESSENTIAL? - work of art.

Today I visited the Conner Quilters at the Whitewater Valley Arts Association building where they meet every Tuesday from 9 am til 1 pm, weather permitting.

Even today the weather was permitting and cabin fever is rising here in the Valley!

I met some of our community's most talented artists today.

Most of them would refute that they are artists, but I am convinced the most important arts are the ones we weave into our everyday lives.

And these ladies certainly have done that!

One of the ladies asked me if I had seen the Quilt Show at the 2013 Bicentennial last summer.


You may remember my blog post from Tuesday, July 3, 2013.

In it I am taken back to my childhood at the same Quilt Show!

My Land Of Counterpane!

I felt like a kid in a candy shop during my visit with these local artists!

I felt like I was among legends of needle and thread, legends of women who have gone before me in life, art, EVERYTHING.

I felt blessed to be able to find these women who are so willing to share time, care, knowledge, and laughter.

I can not wait til next Tuesday!

As I watched the stitches coming together today in the tiny quilting space where these ladies hold court I remembered sitting on my bed (upon one of the many quilts Grannie Katie had made for her unlimited font of grand children!) as a young girl learning the most basic of hand stitches.

I would get bored with the radio or the television and entertain myself with inspiring songs from Hollywood musicals.

Today as I left the Whitewater Valley Arts Association building I was humming this, one of my favorites:

I can hear Mom now:

"Oh, Suzanna! Are you EVER going to get your head out of the clouds?'

I hope not Mom, I hope not!


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